Best sources of Total lipid (fat)
Food Group(s):
Nutrient: items per page:
The following quantities (column two below) indicate how much Total lipid (fat) is found in 100 grams (about 3 1/2 ounces) of the following food items:
    fdc idcategorydata type
select100GOil, corn, peanut, and olive167737Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, beluga, whale (Alaska Native)168981American Indian/Alaska Native Foodssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, corn and canola169867Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening, household, soybean (partially hydrogenated)-cottonseed (partially hydrogenated)171011Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, soybean, salad or cooking, (partially hydrogenated)171012Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, rice bran171013Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, wheat germ171014Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, grapeseed171028Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, corn, industrial and retail, all purpose salad or cooking171029Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, walnut171030Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, almond171031Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GButter, Clarified butter (ghee)171314Dairy and Egg Productssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, olive, salad or cooking171413Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, cocoa butter171421Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GVegetable oil, palm kernel171422Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, poppyseed171423Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, sheanut171429Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, soy, low linolenic171438Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, soy, ultra low linolenic171439Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, soy, fully hydrogenated171440Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening frying (heavy duty), palm (hydrogenated)172331Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening household soybean (hydrogenated) and palm172332Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening frying (heavy duty), soybean (hydrogenated), linoleic (less than 1%)172333Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening, confectionery, fractionated palm172334Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GFish oil, herring172340Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GFish oil, menhaden172341Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GFish oil, menhaden, fully hydrogenated172342Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GFish oil, salmon172343Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, mid-oleic, sunflower172357Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, canola with antifoaming agent, principal uses salads, woks and light frying172358Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, canola for salads, woks and light frying172359Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, coconut, confection fat, typical basis for ice cream coatings172365Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, palm kernel (hydrogenated) , used for whipped toppings, non-dairy172366Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, cupu assu173563Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening confectionery, coconut (hydrogenated) and or palm kernel (hydrogenated)173568Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening industrial, soybean (hydrogenated) and cottonseed173569Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, ucuhuba butter173570Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, oat173576Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GFish oil, cod liver173577Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GFish oil, sardine173578Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening, multipurpose, soybean (hydrogenated) and palm (hydrogenated)173579Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, coconut, principal uses candy coatings, oil sprays, roasting nuts173595Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), principal uses popcorn and flavoring vegetables173596Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, palm kernel (hydrogenated), confection fat, uses similar to 95 degree hard butter173601Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, palm kernel (hydrogenated), confection fat, intermediate grade product173602Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, palm kernel (hydrogenated), filling fat173603Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ), palm, principal uses icings and fillings173604Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, whale, bowhead (Alaska Native)167625American Indian/Alaska Native Foodssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, walrus (Alaska Native)168032American Indian/Alaska Native Foodssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, palm171015Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, sesame, salad or cooking171016Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, sunflower, linoleic (less than 60%)171017Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, cottonseed, salad or cooking171024Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, sunflower, linoleic, (approx. 65%)171025Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, safflower, salad or cooking, linoleic, (over 70%)171026Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, safflower, salad or cooking, high oleic (primary safflower oil of commerce)171027Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, apricot kernel171032Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, vegetable, Natreon canola, high stability, non trans, high oleic (70%)171033Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, canola, high oleic171042Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GFat, beef tallow171400Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, peanut, salad or cooking171410Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, soybean, salad or cooking171411Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, tomatoseed171424Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, teaseed171425Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, soybean lecithin171426Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, hazelnut171427Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, babassu171428Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, cooking and salad, ENOVA, 80% diglycerides171433Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, cottonseed, fully hydrogenated171441Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening, household, lard and vegetable oil172327Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, sunflower, linoleic, (partially hydrogenated)172328Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening bread, soybean (hydrogenated) and cottonseed172329Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening cake mix, soybean (hydrogenated) and cottonseed (hydrogenated)172330Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, nutmeg butter172335Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, mustard172337Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, sunflower, high oleic (70% and over)172338Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, canola (partially hydrogenated) oil for deep fat frying172360Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), multiuse for non-dairy butter flavor172361Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, soy ( partially hydrogenated), all purpose172362Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ) and soy (winterized), pourable clear fry172363Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated) and cottonseed, principal use as a tortilla shortening172364Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, vegetable, soybean, refined172370Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, soybean, salad or cooking, (partially hydrogenated) and cottonseed173565Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening industrial, lard and vegetable oil173566Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening frying (heavy duty), beef tallow and cottonseed173567Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, avocado173573Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening, special purpose for cakes and frostings, soybean (hydrogenated)173574Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening, special purpose for baking, soybean (hydrogenated) palm and cottonseed173575Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), pourable liquid fry shortening173597Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, soy, refined, for woks and light frying173598Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GOil, industrial, palm kernel, confection fat, uses similar to high quality cocoa butter173600Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ) and corn for frying173606Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select100GShortening, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ) for baking and confections173607Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select99.98GOil, flaxseed, cold pressed167702Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select99.97GShortening, vegetable, household, composite173584Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select99.8GFat, goose173572Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select99.8GFat, chicken173564Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select99.8GFat, turkey173571Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select99.6GOil, bearded seal (Oogruk) (Alaska Native)167611American Indian/Alaska Native Foodssr_legacy_food
select99.5GOil, industrial, coconut (hydrogenated), used for whipped toppings and coffee whiteners172367Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
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