Best sources of 18:1
Food Group(s):
Nutrient: items per page:
The following quantities (column two below) indicate how much 18:1 is found in 100 grams (about 3 1/2 ounces) of the following food items:
    fdc idcategorydata type
select82.63GOil, sunflower, high oleic (70% and over)172338Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select77.8GOil, hazelnut171427Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select74.837GOil, safflower, salad or cooking, high oleic (primary safflower oil of commerce)171027Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select73.7GShortening frying (heavy duty), soybean (hydrogenated), linoleic (less than 1%)172333Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select71.775GOil, industrial, canola, high oleic171042Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select71.269GOil, olive, salad or cooking171413Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select70.967GShortening, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ) for baking and confections173607Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select70.081GOil, industrial, canola (partially hydrogenated) oil for deep fat frying172360Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select69.97GOil, vegetable, Natreon canola, high stability, non trans, high oleic (70%)171033Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select69.4GOil, almond171031Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select67.889GOil, avocado173573Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select61.125GOil, industrial, soy ( partially hydrogenated), all purpose172362Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select60.754GOil, industrial, canola with antifoaming agent, principal uses salads, woks and light frying172358Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select59.782GOil, industrial, canola for salads, woks and light frying172359Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select59.477GOil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ), palm, principal uses icings and fillings173604Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select59.02GOil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated) and cottonseed, principal use as a tortilla shortening172364Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select58.5GOil, apricot kernel171032Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select58GShortening industrial, soybean (hydrogenated) and cottonseed173569Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select57.142GOil, corn and canola169867Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select57.029GOil, industrial, mid-oleic, sunflower172357Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select54.2GShortening cake mix, soybean (hydrogenated) and cottonseed (hydrogenated)172330Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select53.5GFat, goose173572Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select50.973GShortening, multipurpose, soybean (hydrogenated) and palm (hydrogenated)173579Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select49.9GOil, teaseed171425Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select48.587GOil, PAM cooking spray, original171430Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select47.958GNuts, hazelnuts or filberts, blanched170582Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select47.167GOil, corn, peanut, and olive167737Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select46.631GMargarine, industrial, non-dairy, cottonseed, soy oil (partially hydrogenated ), for flaky pastries173605Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select46.354GNuts, hazelnuts or filberts, dry roasted, without salt added170583Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select46GOil, sunflower, linoleic, (partially hydrogenated)172328Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select45.405GNuts, hazelnuts or filberts170581Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select45.3GOil, sunflower, linoleic (less than 60%)171017Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select44.8GOil, peanut, salad or cooking171410Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select44.5GShortening, household, soybean (partially hydrogenated)-cottonseed (partially hydrogenated)171011Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select44.377GNuts, macadamia nuts, dry roasted, without salt added170179Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select44.377GNuts, macadamia nuts, dry roasted, with salt added168598Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select43.755GNuts, macadamia nuts, raw170178Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select43.743GNuts, pecans, dry roasted, without salt added170183Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select43.743GNuts, pecans, dry roasted, with salt added169424Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select43.641GMargarine, 80% fat, tub, CANOLA HARVEST Soft Spread (canola, palm and palm kernel oils)171432Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select43.5GOil, sheanut171429Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select42.5GOil, soybean, salad or cooking, (partially hydrogenated)171012Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select42.22GShortening household soybean (hydrogenated) and palm172332Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select41.633GOil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), principal uses popcorn and flavoring vegetables173596Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select41.076GShortening, vegetable, household, composite173584Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select40.994GAnimal fat, bacon grease172345Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select40.9GShortening, household, lard and vegetable oil172327Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select40.681GNuts, pecans, oil roasted, without salt added170589Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select40.681GNuts, pecans, oil roasted, with salt added169425Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select40.6GShortening frying (heavy duty), palm (hydrogenated)172331Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select40.594GNuts, pecans170182Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select40.49GShortening, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ) and corn for frying173606Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select39.928GOil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), multiuse for non-dairy butter flavor172361Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select39.3GOil, sesame, salad or cooking171016Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select39.2GMargarine-like spread with yogurt, 70% fat, stick, with salt172352Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select39.1GMargarine, regular, hard, soybean (hydrogenated)171018Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select39.1GOil, rice bran171013Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select38.853GSeeds, sunflower seed butter, without salt170155Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select38.853GSeeds, sunflower seed butter, with salt added (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program)168595Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select38.7GOil, cupu assu173563Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select38.675GMargarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, stick, without salt173585Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select38.675GMargarine, 80% fat, stick, includes regular and hydrogenated corn and soybean oils173587Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select38.675GMargarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, stick, without salt, with added vitamin D171040Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select38.675GMargarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, stick, with salt172346Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select38.675GMargarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, stick, with salt, with added vitamin D171435Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select38.603GShortening, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), pourable liquid fry shortening173597Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select38.48GPork, fresh, backfat, raw167811Pork Productssr_legacy_food
select38GShortening industrial, lard and vegetable oil173566Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select37.818GPork, bacon, rendered fat, cooked168324Pork Productssr_legacy_food
select37.323GMargarine, industrial, soy and partially hydrogenated soy oil, use for baking, sauces and candy172369Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select37.3GFat, chicken173564Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select37.229GNuts, pilinuts, dried170590Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select37.189GMargarine-like shortening, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), cottonseed, and soy, principal use flaky pastries173599Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select36.6GOil, palm171015Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select36.555GShortening, special purpose for cakes and frostings, soybean (hydrogenated)173574Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select36.266GOil, cooking and salad, ENOVA, 80% diglycerides171433Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select36GFat, beef tallow171400Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select35.9GFat, turkey173571Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select35.541GMargarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, tub, with salt, with added vitamin D171436Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select35.541GMargarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, tub, with salt172347Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select35.541GMargarine, regular, 80% fat, composite, tub, without salt172349Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select35.375GPeanut butter with omega-3, creamy172471Legumes and Legume Productssr_legacy_food
select35.25GPork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, leaf fat, raw167861Pork Productssr_legacy_food
select34.93GPork, cured, salt pork, raw168287Pork Productssr_legacy_food
select34.9GOil, oat173576Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select34.578GNuts, almonds, oil roasted, without salt added170159Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select34.578GNuts, almonds, oil roasted, with salt added169419Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select34.578GNuts, almonds, oil roasted, lightly salted168602Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select34.535GOil, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ) and soy (winterized), pourable clear fry172363Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select34.2GShortening frying (heavy duty), beef tallow and cottonseed173567Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select34.079GNuts, mixed nuts, dry roasted, with peanuts, without salt added170585Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select33.233GMargarine, margarine-type vegetable oil spread, 70% fat, soybean and partially hydrogenated soybean, stick173588Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select33.113GNuts, almonds, blanched170568Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select33GShortening bread, soybean (hydrogenated) and cottonseed172329Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select32.754GNuts, almonds, dry roasted, without salt added170158Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select32.6GOil, cocoa butter171421Fats and Oilssr_legacy_food
select32.517GNuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, without peanuts, with salt added169423Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select32.517GNuts, mixed nuts, oil roasted, without peanuts, without salt added170588Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select32.143GNuts, almond butter, plain, with salt added168603Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
select32.143GNuts, almond butter, plain, without salt added168588Nut and Seed Productssr_legacy_food
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